Chapter 5: Clustering

Author: Amy Wagaman

Digital resources supplementing the chapter

Much of the R code shown in the chapter is available for viewing and downloading from this repository, as well as the necessary related data files.

Small clustering example

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Iris data visualization

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Wine data, k-means clustering

View R Markdown file

To run that R Markdown file on your own machine, you would need the associated data file in the same folder as the .Rmd file. You can get the data file here.

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Wine data, hierarchical clustering

View R Markdown file

To run that R Markdown file on your own machine, you would need the associated data file in the same folder as the .Rmd file. You can get the data file here.

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Wine data, model-based clustering

View R Markdown file

To run that R Markdown file on your own machine, you would need the associated data file in the same folder as the .Rmd file. You can get the data file here. You will also need a file containing BIC values, which you should also place in the same folder as the .Rmd file. You can get that second file here.

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Wine data, density-based clustering

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To run that R Markdown file on your own machine, you would need the associated data file in the same folder as the .Rmd file. You can get the data file here.

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Clustering on dolphin network data

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To run that R Markdown file on your own machine, you would need the associated data file in the same folder as the .Rmd file. You can get the data file here.

k-means clustering with bad initial centroids

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College Scorecard, two types of clustering compared

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To run that R Markdown file on your own machine, you would need the associated data file in the same folder as the .Rmd file. You can get the data file here.

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